"Wetlook Weekend" (8:00 min)  Crystel is spending her weekend at the lake. Today, she is driving her motorboat on another hot, sunny day, and before long she wants to cool down. She stops at a quiet place on the lake and fills an empty bottle with water from the lake and carefully wets her white T-Shirt. She continues this for a while, as she splashes water over her blue Miss Sixty jeans, and soon her clothes are completely wet.

- Miss 60 Jeans, white top and high-heels - beautiful wetlook scenes at a motor boat - with great slow-motions - the original water-sound mixed with music
Filmed in HD (High Definition) 8:00 min - Wetlook in jeans, white top and high-heels on a motor boat large: 407 MB / medium: 90,1 MB / iPod: 91,3 MB |