"Wetlook in the pool" (18:00 min)  Jana wears a blue Hollister jeans, a white t-shirt, purple boots and a purple down jacket. Slowly she steps down into the pool and enjoys to wet her clothes ... After a while Jana takes off the jacket. Her white t-shirt is already completley wet and see-through. Jana really enjoys her pool time a lot. She swims a bit in the pool (with great underwater-scenes) and she also comes out of the pool often. In the end of the video Jana puts her jacket on again in the pool ...

- blue Hollister Jeans, white T-Shirt, purple boots and purple down jacket - beautiful wetlook scenes in the pool - with great slow-motions - the original sound mixed with music
Filmed in HD (High Definition) 18:00 min - Wetlook in jeansoutfit (pool) large: 919 MB / medium: 202 MB / iPod: 205 MB |