"Wetlook Fun" (10:00 min)  Maddelynn wants to be a model. She wears white pants (with black lace panties underneath), a beige blouse, beige high-heels and a nice leather jacket. She really looks awesome! And she is also pretty good in posing already. For some new pictures for her portfolio, she wants to add something new: getting wet in her great outfit ... She sits down at the edge of the pool and dips her feet in the water. The seam of her white pants get wet as well as her new beige pumps. Maddelynn splashes water on her pants till you can see a nice pattern of wet and dry. And she gets up to admire this nice transition. She likes what she sees and so she gets deeper into the pool until her clothes are soaked with water. Then she comes out again, dripping! Her white pants is completely sheer now, showing her black lace panties and also her blouse is see-through and her leather jacket dripping ... Finally Maddelynn jumps into the water from the edge of the pool and gets completely soaked now. At this point her friend Celia comes home from work. She is a Make-up-Artist and very surprised to find her friend fully clothed in the pool. But before she can even say something, Maddelynn reaches out, grabs her and pull her into the pool, too. Celia makes a big jump and falls into the water fully dressed in her skirt, top, cardigan, pumps and even with her handbag! What a Wetlook Fun!!! :-) 
- 2 girls - white Miss Sixty Flare Nixie pants, beige pumps, beige blouse, leather jacket and grey skirt, pink top and black high-heels - with nice underwater scenes! - the original sound mixed with music Filmed in Full HD (1920x1080pixel) 10:00 min - Wetlook in white pants, skirt, leather jacket and high-heels (Pool) large: 732 MB / medium: 168 MB / iPod: 205 MB |