"Wet Ridingoutfit" (12:15 min)  Vendula is alone in the beautiful old mansion and dresses her riding outfit. Brown riding breeches, turtleneck sweater, riding vest and rubber riding boots. Then she steps down to the pool area and dreamily she slowly steps into the pool. She is very carful and she takes care that the clothes get only slowly wet. To examine the effect of the water on her clothes closer she often steps out of the pool and back into it again ... When her clothes are soaking wet, she sits down on the edge of the pool, dripping wet, and takes off her riding boots. She slowly pours the water from her rubber boots over her top. Then without boots and without vest she descents again into the pool ...

- riding breeches (Jodphurs), turtleneck sweater, riding vest and riding boots - beautiful wetlook scenes in the pool - with great slow-motions - the original sound mixed with music
Filmed in HD (High Definition) 12:15 min - Wetlook in ridingoutfit (pool) large: 626 MB / medium: 137 MB / iPod: 139 MB |